Into the BLUE: the inspo behind our new look!

Evolution takes time. first launched on October 30th, 2015. Back then I was really feeling the hot pink and had remained loyal to it all these years. It was FUN, it was bright, it wasn't your typical fine jewelry brand hue (Cosmetic Pink and Millenial Pink were all the rage!) The fuchsia I chose was more in line with some beauty & young fashion brands at the time, besides we needed to STAND OUT from the crowd!
My last name was always in this rich, inky, indigo blue. The best of both worlds approach. Favorite hues for different reasons!
'Have Fun with Fine' really embodied the spirit of my first collection 'Be Ewe' and I rolled with it for my overall branding. It's how I feel about fine jewelry and it celebrated the fact that I was finally working under my own label after all these years designing for big companies. In fact, during the NJ Wool Walk in April 2018 I started a separate Instagram account just for Be Ewe (@BeEwebyJulieLamb) so I could continue to 'Have Fun with Fine', be silly, make all the sheep puns I wanted and cater to my growing flock of knitters more directly. Ewe can read more about that at
In a shocking turn of events I had agreed to lose the little Lamb from my logo. Yeah, that one hurt but I grew to embrace the idea of just using my name, believing that it was strong enough to stand on its own at this point. Change is hard. I am still getting used to it! No worries, our mascot is alive and well, living his best life with 'Be Ewe' and engraved on all of your jewels!
Over the past few years my work slowly started to evolve into 'Different by Design' with the addition of New York stories like CITY & Metropolis. Of late I have had the privilege to create some really special milestone gifts, custom engagement rings and heirloom quality statement pieces. These jewels deserved a proper showcase to celebrate where I'm at now. SEE THE NEW BESPOKE GALLERY!!! These One of A Kinds were formally only teased in Instagram posts, I'm so proud to finally have a proper home base for the most creative work that I offer.
Photo cred: @PamelaHopePhotography
6 years later and it's 2021... where's the fun?! I'm tryin'! Suffice to say that it's a whole new world since we went live with our very first version of the site, and online has become exponentially more important in so many ways (like it or not!) My website is my flagship store, and must be treated that way. I'll let Billy Crudup on Season 2 of The Morning Show explain (you're welcome : )
"The rest of the world, they’ve moved to the cloud, and it is gorgeous up there,” character Cory Ellison proclaims, to the network executives in an impassioned board room speech. I couldn't agree more with this statement! Also, this jpeg is giving me LIFE!
My online presence is supported by Instagram and the midtown showroom space, but up here in the cloud we always have room to grow and show off the 'Different by Design' mindset in a more impactful way. I may have lost my Lamb (Knitters- this does not apply in our world!!!) but the site did GAIN lots of new tools:
- I hope that you'll find our new navigation to be intuitive.
- I hope you'll give me a call on our new business # 212.496.LAMB and find an option from our menu that suits your specific request.
- I hope you'll spread the word about our herd all over the world now that we are offering shipping to over 20 different countries!
- I hope you'll find the forms we've added are helpful to you for booking your NYC appointment, inquiring about custom bridal +++ Communication is key and I wanted to make sure you had every available option to reach us and in a way that is most convenient to you.
- I hope that you will enjoy spending time in our new store. Fresh imagery, new blog posts, a few new items, an updated overall look and feel await!
It was time to level up and lean into the Julie Lamb brand name as the creative force in fine jewelry it is shaping up to be. Go ahead- take a peek!
Photo cred: @PamelaHopePhotography
Love that you're here with me, through all of it xoxo
Your feedback, as always is welcome & appreciated!