9/11 Memorial Ring

This ring was designed in memoriam and as a tribute to all we lost on September 11th, 2001. In designing ‘Built For Love’, I explored the concept of permanence in both marriage and iconic landmarks, the preservation and protection of love. I felt it would be remiss not to include the Twin Towers in some way. The iconic buildings we grew up with, easily recognizable from afar, orienting me due south, were an integral part of the landscape I call home. In the months that followed New Yorkers' hearts were broken daily as we faced posters of the missing everywhere we went under the dark billowing clouds of smoke as the rubble at Ground Zero continued to burn. A part of America died on 9/11, along with 2,977 innocent civilians that left behind families, children, fiancés, spouses and friends. We continue to collectively mourn this incomprehensible loss year after year. I offer this design in honor of love lost, but never forgotten.
1 WTC & 2 WTC
Once the tallest buildings in the world, and certainly in my world, the Twin Towers were the focus of NYC’s southern skyline and provided a clear sense of due south. Their architectural style was New Formalism. Their façade, whether you appreciated the steel framed tube design or not, was explained to us school kids as high strength and load bearing, new engineering to accommodate such great heights and their unique challenges against the elements. There were class trips and there were concerts. There was shopping down below and at Century 21 nearby. There were 7 buildings total, my brother worked in Building 7 in 2001 (he survived, unscathed). It is difficult to Google ‘Twin Towers’ and not find images of 9/11. I have seen enough and wish to never see pictures of that day again as my own experience is forever seared in my mind's eye. I just want to pay tribute to these iconic structures that defined our skyline for so long, that lit my way and provided a compass for someone with no sense of direction. That disoriented feeling is forever amplified in their absence. The openness of this ring, describes the void and gives us a clear sense of before and after in the most resilient city. New York always comes back, but it Never Forgets.
Featured in this rendering: a giant pear shaped diamond ’teardrop’ with Pigeon’s Blood Ruby hidden halo, symbolizing our broken hearts. 2 carré cut diamonds delineate the tops of the towers. Set in Platinum, the strongest metal.
This ring design concept is a memorial and will not be made for profit. If this is part of your story please get in touch to discuss customization and your charitable organization.

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